Pheromone Party
© Pheromone Party

Pheromone Party

  • Nightlife, Alternative nightlife

Time Out says

Here at Time Out, every single one of us is blessed with the kind of stunning physical beauty that would make Helen of Troy chunder with jealous rage – but we realise that for some people, looks aren't everything when seeking a partner. There's also personality, a sense of humour, family wealth and smell to consider. 

Yep, smell. Odour is all the rage these days when it comes to dating. Just ask the bods behind this matchmaking event. Originating in Los Angeles (where else?), the idea of the Pheromone Party is a simple, if smelly, one. Choose a t-shirt, sleep in it for three nights before the event to scent it with your personal musk, whack it in an airtight bag and take it with you to the party.

The pongy bags, still with t-shirts, are left on a table and guests can take a good, long, hard sniff of them any time they want throughout the night. Smell someone you like? Take a selfie with your fave whiffy bag. Said selfies are then projected onto a wall for all to see and if the owner of your selected grubby t-shirt likes the look of you with their garment, they can find you and chat further. Or not, depending on whether you're rubbing the t-shirt over your drooling face in ecstasy, we guess.

Afterwards, the pics are put onto Facebook, partly so that anyone who missed their match first time round can contact their olfactorily-matched dreamboat, and partly so that the world can gawp at you huffing someone's dirty clobber.

A word of warning about the party: make sure you only sleep in your t-shirt for three nights before the event – any longer and it might jump out of the bag and smother your chosen one before you've had a chance to meet/smell them.


£8-£12 adv
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