1. Rabo d'Pêxe
    ©Ana Luzia | Rabo d'Pêxe
  2. Rabo d'Pexe - Sala
    Fotografia: Ana Luzia
  3. Rabo d'Pexe - Tartaro de Novilho
    Fotografia: Ana Luzia | Rabo d'Pêxe
  4. salada de algas do rabo d'pêxe
    Fotografia: Arlindo Camacho

Rabo d'Pêxe

  • Restaurants
  • Avenidas Novas

Time Out says

Was headed until last summer by Paulo Morais and now has the team formed by this great sushiman of the city. What is most interesting, however, is that you can bring your grandfather to Rabod'Pêxe to whom the idea of raw food causes shivers and split a fish. How? Choose what you want in the storefront at the entrance and they make half in sushi, half in the grill. There is also a combination of sushi, surf and turf dishes and a covered terrace in the winter for cold days.

Perfect for: eating sushi, grilled fish and a prego in the same meal.
Must try: the prawn tempura with almonds with lime aioli.


Avenida Duque de Ávila, 42 (Saldanha)
Metro Saldanha BUS 736 737 728 744 798 793
Opening hours:
Seg-Qui 12.00-15.30/19.00-00.00; Sex-Dom 12.00-00.00
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