
Ten great things to do in Leeds this week

Rob Martin
Written by
Rob Martin
Contributor, Time Out Manchester

Out with the old and in with the new is truer than ever this week as your last chance to see some really good stuff comes our way as the post Christmas and New Year period comes to a proper close. So here are ten highlights for the coming week which you shouldn't miss.

White Christmas, West Yorkshire Playhouse, ends Sat Jan 17, £12-£33
Yes, it has been and gone, but in that magical theatrical tradition of suspending disbelief, it's well worth forgetting that you're in the midst of a cold January and re-living that warm Christmas glow if you haven't seen this glorious musical before it ends at the weekend.

James Meek, Private Island, Howard Assembly Room at Opera North, Sat Jan 17, £5
The celebrated novelist and journalist James Meek explores the human stories behind the incremental privatization of Britain’s assets, looking at the winners who reap the rewards, and those who pay the ever rising bill. The evening will be introduced and chaired by Dr Kirsteen Paton, Lecturer in School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds.

Towards the Possible Film, Leeds Art Gallery, ends Sun Jan 18, free
Shezad Dawood's film installation, textile paintings and neon work alongside selected works from the Leeds collection which interrogate and inspire a meeting point between modernism and mysticism.

The Event Sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Mon Jan 12, free
A new piece of work by a renowned artist brings the inside out two Mondays a month, with outside sculptures. Do yourself a favour and go and see what's to be revealed, just avoid reading about it on their website which states things like 'the works encompass actions, objects, performance, moving image and ephemeral public proposals.' Eh?  

Three weekly club nights  deserving of mention this week are:

Intergalactic Mobile Disco, Fab Café, Wed Jan 14, free 
The space themed club night with cheap shots,  and that's not just the smart arse remarks over the earlier Riddle Me This quiz! 

MoveOnUp, The HiFi Club, Wed Jan 14, £4
The longest running soul night in the North takes its name from the Curtis Mayfield stomper, and you can expect plenty more where that came from thank you. 

FUEL, Leeds Beckett Students’ Union, Fri Jan 16, £5
Two stages of alternative music (literal stages, not as in early versus late alternative music), with all manner of party type things happening to fuel a fun evening.

And one monthly night too...

Two Sevens, Baby Jupiter, Fri Jan 16, free
Old school Jamaican floor-fillers where the revellers get low with a tropical cocktail in hand.

Big Garden Birdwatch, Temple Newsam, Sat Jan 17, £1.50
Get some bird-watching practice in before the main RSBP event later this month. Twitch as much as you like for under £2!

Planes 2, Hyde Park Picture House, Sun Jan 18
No, we're not having a laugh, honestly. Yes, we are recommending 'Planes 2' but there's a very good reason. The screening is an autism friendly one, which means that things in the cinema will be very relaxed for everyone there and the whole experience is designed to be more comfortable to those on the autism spectrum. It features raised lighting levels and reduced volume levels within the auditorium throughout the film, and customers are free to move around, make noise or take a break during the film should you want or need to. That does sound relaxing!

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