TV show 'Man Vs Food' changed everything. Adam Richman, god of gluttony and professional devourer, quite comprehensively demonstrated our carnal desire for eating hideous amounts of meat and face melting chilli.
So, no more do we have to prod at puny plates of food, or settle for scantily spiced supper because Leeds has its own exciting collection of gut busting food challenges.
Mr Richman, we who are about to dine, salute you!
Popina’s is famous amongst the city’s students. Their breakfast butties have cured many a hangover and are, on occasion, the only reason some people get out of bed on the weekend.
Never mind the small breakfast, what we're interested in is THE MEGA BREAKFAST! This consists of three pieces of bacon, three sausages, four eggs, two hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding, a fried slice, beans, bread and butter or toast, accompanied by tea or coffee.
Demolish this beast and the champion will be added to the winner’s board and receives a Popina’s key ring. Not only that, the board pits boys against girls, so there's even more at stake.
Popina's, 31 Brudenell Rd, Leeds LS6 1HA
MEATLiquor, this dark church whose idol is BBQ and cocktails, offer a chilli pepper based challenge so hot it was reported to have created a bead of sweat on Chuck Norris’ forehead.
The fearsome 'Triple Chilli Challenge' requires fighting on three fronts, as not only do you need to account for heat and sheer volume of food, you need to factor in time, too.
Still, while the challenge is substantial, the reward is great: eat a jalapeno filled burger, jalapeno coated chilli dog and chilli cheese fries submerged in jalapenos in under ten minutes, then you win a free meal.
If you’re one of the three fastest of all time, you get to queue jump whenever you like. Bring it on.
Meat Liquor LDS, Trinity Centre, Bank Street, Leeds, LS1 5AT

MOJO is embracing the city’s need for gluttony with gusto. First up is the 'Mad Dog Challenge', where competitors are dared to eat five super spicy hot wings so potent that you'll be asked to sign a disclaimer first.
It's not just a case of eating them, though, as you'll need to polish off all five within five minutes without drinking water, leaving the table or wiping their mouths.
While not a specific challenge, you can also earn a nod of respect from the staff by tackling a burger known as 'The Behemoth'. It features chicken, bacon, pulled pork and, obviously, a beef patty nestled in there for tradition. Fling on some cheese and onion rings for good measure and come get some!
MOJO, 18 Merrion St, Leeds, LS1 6PQ
Shooters Sports Bar

Shooters Sports Bar
Shooters don't do things by half measures, with three separate challenges: two sized based, one of them heat.
The burger challenge is something else; the aptly named 'Skyscraper Burger' sees you eating all four of its signature burgers, with all the trimmings, piled on top of each other.
The next challenge is the 'Nacho Tank' – a gargantuan pile of nachos that reaches from here to infinity. Or to the bottom of the huge container.
Finally there are the 'Wings of Fire'. You should know the routine by now: 15 minutes, 15 wings and 15 times the fire of Hades’ eternal inferno.
Each challenge comes with three bottles of Corona, presumably to help you forget the horrible, horrible things you just did to your body.
Shooters Sports Bar, 23 The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 5RD
Greasy Pig
Looking to knock Popina’s off the breakfast spot is Greasy Pig, with it's intimidating sounding 'Paralyser'.
This biblically sized breakfast needs to be finished in under 12 minutes and contains four rashers of bacon, four sausages, four eggs, four hash browns, four pieces of toast, plus mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding and a tub of beans. You'll need to call on all the gods to finish this one.
Greasy Pig, 74 Victoria Rd, Leeds, LS6 1DL
Smoke BBQ

Smoke BBQ
Nestled behind the Merrion Centre is Smoke BBQ, sitting, waiting patiently for its next victi… er, contestant.
This is pretty standard faring for an eating challenge, but with a secret weapon. For its inventively named 'Man V Food' challenge, you have to consume a four patty burger with pulled pork, brisket, cheese and onion strings, half a kilo of fries, coleslaw, and cornbread. Sounds simple? Don't forget the two pints of milkshake to wash it all down with.
The feast costs £25, but do it in under 30 minutes and it's half price. That’s most of a cow, plus extras, for just over a tenner.
Smoke BBQ, Unit 6, Merrion Centre, 11 Merrion Way, Arena Quarter, Leeds, LS2 8BT
My House Diner

My House Diner
Ah, it’s about time some sugar was involved. My House Diner, in Belle Isle Road, offers up a challenge to those sumptuous lords of the sweet breakfasts.
The challenge is simple: 20 pancakes in 20 minutes – finish 'em and it’s free. Fail and it’s £7, plus an eternity spent in a hell made of ridicule! But mainly £7.
My House Diner, 54 Belle Isle Road, Leeds, LS10 2DF
Is there a food challenge we've left off this list? Let us know.
Still hungry after all this lot? Take a look at some of these decadent desserts.