Sing, dance, eat and be merry, but remember that your shopping may not be as care free as you are... Here's your week in Leeds.
Fairtrade Fortnight
If you give a fig about where the products you buy come from, how they were made and under what conditions do the people making them work, then Fairtrade Fortnight is here to celebrate the success of a movement which has helped countless lives. Like many movements which bring attention to exploitation, this has become a norm now, (remember it wasn't that long ago that vegetarian food was hardly ever on a menu), so in that spirit, find out where you can get some of the best, fairest and greenest food in Leeds right here.
The Script, First Direct Arena, Tue Feb 24, from £27.50
The Irish band are doing the rounds with their fourth studio album, 'No Sound Without Silence'. Profound!
A Study Of Modern Japanese Sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Tue Feb 24 - Sun Apr 19, free
An exhibition of nine sculptures from the Taisho and early Showa periods, featuring the work of several artists reflecting nature. No, we're not really expecting you to know anything about those periods, so just go along and appreciate how beautiful these works are.
Ryan Adams, O2 Academy, Wed Feb 25, £29.50
It isn't many artists who can sustain a career as well as Ryan Adams, touring in support of his 14th album. His indie fold pop works particularly well with the ballads, so don't be expected a mosh pit.
MoveOnUp, The HiFi Club, Wed Feb 25, £4
With the likes of Stevie Wonder, Etta James and the man himself, Curtis Mayfield, you'll be moving on up and down, and possibly sideways too, unable to keep of that dance floor...
The War On Drugs, O2 Academy, Thu Feb 26, £22.50
If you haven't yet heard the quite tremendous album, 'Lost In The Dream', do yourself a favour and get it now. One of the finest of last year, it's a record which feels both current and nostalgic, and the live experience should be one to match its quality.
Opera North, Leeds Grand, Wed Feb 25 & Sat Feb 28, £15-£52.50
A double bill presentation by Opera North of two shorter and perhaps less well-known operas, de Falla’s ‘La vida breve’ and Puccini’s ‘Gianni Schicchi’.

La vida breve & Gianni Schicchi
Uncle Vanya, West Yorkshire Playhouse, Sat Feb 28 - Sat Mar 21, £12-£28
Fancy some meat on your theatre bones? Check out the Chekov...
It Follows
If you like your scares less obvious but lingering, read our five star review of one of the creepiest new films to come out for ages and take someone who won't mind you gripping the hell out of their arm. It opens on Friday and you'll get no sleep over the weekend.
It's your last chance to see:
Dorothy Annan and Trevor Tennant, Henry Moore Institute, ends Sun Mar 1, free
A celebration of the these members of the left-wing Artists International Association, whose aim was to promote the 'unity of artists for peace, democracy and cultural development'.