This is the future. Maybe. Next week, nimbys and inclement Yorkshire weather alike won't be able to prevent Leeds' youngsters from skateboarding as the dramatic, grade-II listed Left Bank turns its main hall into an indoor skatepark.
That means five days (February 17-21) of weather-proof shredding in a much-loved building, which will feel both a bit subversive and celestial at the same time. Imagine landing a perfect nollie kickflip under one of the Left Bank's imposing arches?
The idea came from an equally surprising source – Malmesbury Abbey in Wiltshire, where King Ramps have set up their mobile park for the past few years.
From Tuesday, Left Bank will be hosting free sessions for 8-17 year olds, all staffed by experienced instructors and with boards and helmets for hire. Adult skaters – and there's far more of them than you'd imagine these days – get a separate paying session. Go here for more information.
There are also lessons from the chap in this video, Kris Vile. Awesome.