
What’s it really like living in KL today? Take the Time Out Index and let us know

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Time Out KL editors

The Time Out Index is an annual survey conducted by Time Out to find out what makes a city tick, based on the opinions and knowledge of its residents. Last year saw 15,000 people around the world answering important questions about the city they lived in. We discovered where the best neighbourhoods were, where to party and enjoy the best street food and even how happy people were in their city.

KL is on its way to becoming a mega city and has the burgeoning nightlife, dining and social scene to match. With the start of a new year, we want to know what KLites really think about their city including the not-so-great things!

Answer a few fun questions (it’s multiple choice so really very easy) and be as honest as possible as it’s totally anonymous. As a bonus, when you’re done we’ll tell you which city you need to visit this year based on your answers so you can start planning your next city break. And we’ll find out what KL is really like from the people that know her best – you.

Take the Time Out Index 2019 survey now.

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