It’s Federal Territory Day on February 1 – we love a public holiday, and we love KL. So do these musicians. May their songs soundtrack your day and strengthen your love-hate relationship with the city.
PS: We’re aware that we may have missed more KL-related songs here, so let us know what your favourite city soundtrack is in the comments.

'KL I Love You' - Kyoto Protocol
This is important. As much as we claim to love the city, KL can be a bit like an overbearing mother. So much hope and expectation but also so much frustration – like people cutting lines, among other things. Raise your hands if you agree with Fuad’s ‘You’d rather buy a flashy car / but stay really, really far’.

'Kuala Lumpur' - Hujan
Noh Salleh successfully made this ode to the city a nice singalong – who knew Kuala Lumpur could be so lyrical? Note the subtle warnings and observations on the city (something about crooks, something about earning an honest living). Don’t confuse this with Hujan’s other song, ‘Kuala Lumpur Oh Kuala Lumpur’.

'You Love KL City?' - The Bat Cave featuring Nadhira and Pa’an
Guess what? KL don’t love you. The Bat Cave seems a bit young to be jaded about the city already but if that equals to catchy hooks and beats, we’re sure they’ll be alright. Would it be too much if we liken this song to ‘So It Goes’ by Ratking of New York? Perhaps, but both odes to their respective cities feature a subway element – The Bat Cave’s sample of the KTM announcement adds a nice touch.

'Nadi Kota' - Darren Ashley and The Impatient Sisters
Take our city, give it the cool lo-fi treatment and you've got yourself the music video for 'Nadi Kota', the cheery soundtrack single for 2013 film 'Kolumpo'. 'Nadi Kota' is for all of us who's ever wondered why we're still here. For something more down-tempo from the soundtrack, check out 'KL Kita' by Yuna featuring Qi Razali.