Malaysia – how fit were you in 2019?
Check out these ClassPass exercise trends and get on track to making 2020 even fitter!
The numbers say it all – 2019 was the year Malaysians took fitness to another level spending over 19 million minutes (approximately 13,400 days) working out. This staggering figure included time spent in class trying out new trends, reaching fitness targets and improving overall health.

Strength Training
Saturday proved to the most popular day to work out and our top five workouts were strength training, yoga, Pilates, cycling and boxing.
Fitter in 2020
If this is the year you want to get fitter and stronger, there’s no better time to start than now. And, here’s where ClassPass comes into play. Try ClassPass for one week free, with 25 credits for up to 7 classes. Just sign up and gain access to an amazing fitness membership offering you the opportunity to work out and try new classes all over the world. These credits are like a universal fitness currency, which can be used in over 2,500 cities globally.

What does this actually mean?
Simple. You’re in Bangkok or London and want to go to a hot yoga session or find a boxing gym. Open up ClassPass, filter your options (time, location, activity) and you will have access to an extensive selection of gyms and studios near you. Click and book your spot and before you know it, you’ll be getting the fitness fix you need. That’s your travelling fitness needs sorted; but ClassPass is also a great option for when you’re at home and want to try different types of sports and fitness classes; and create a unique workout routine or reach a specific target.

Up for the challenge?
Smash your 2020 targets by getting a head start - sign up now for the ClassPass one-week free trial. Box, lift, cycle, stretch and pose your way to a stronger, healthier you. Get your friends onboard, go to classes together and remember that going on holiday or work trips is not an excuse to stop exercising. You could be doing a Barre class in Sydney one day, bootcamp in Singapore the following and Muay Thai in Kuala Lumpur today. Let’s smash our 2020 targets - it’s never been easier or more fun!
After the trial, you will be automatically enrolled in the RM209 plan with 30 credits for up to 8 classes. You can change or cancel this at any time during the trial. Monthly memberships start at RM109 per month and every membership includes access to all studios and gyms, the option to work out all over the world with five million classes to choose from, and customised class recommendations.
For terms and conditions, visit