
Have a roaring Chinese New Year with Tiger Beer

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Time Out KL editors

As the annual Chinese New Year celebrations start, we collectively start preparing for family reunions with lots of food, ang paus and beer. Tiger Beer is encouraging everyone to Uncage New Beginnings with its Chinese New Year campaign, and to welcome the new year with a renewed spirit. Accompanied by lots of promos and beer, of course.

Running throughout the festive period until mid-February, consumers can stand a chance to win thousands of ringgit, limited edition Tiger Beer mahjong sets, exclusive Tiger Beer Prosperity Bowls and more. All you have to do is enjoy the variety of drinks under HEINEKEN Malaysia’s umbrella.

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Buy any big bottle of Tiger Beer, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout or Heineken at participating outlets and look underneath the bottle caps for three different characters – “福” (Fu), “禧” (Xi) and “猪” (Zhu) – which represent the different prizes. The character 福 (fu) will get you an opportunity to win an ang pau worth RM88,888; if you get 禧 (xi), you’ll stand a chance to win an exclusive Tiger Beer Mahjong set; and if you manage to collect 15 caps marked with 猪 (zhu) you’ll stand a chance to redeem the Prosperity Bowl set.

If you didn’t manage to get your hands on the Tiger Beer mahjong set, you can buy them at RM99 with the purchase of three cartons of HEINEKEN Malaysia products (inclusive of one carton of Apple Fox), while stocks last.

All promos and prizes are available while stocks last. For more information on the Uncage New Beginnings campaign, visit their Facebook page.

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