Master of None

In a nutshell… this dazzling Netflix sitcom, which premiered last November to rave reviews, revolves around Dev, an aspiring 30-something actor of Indian-American descent who tries to find love and success in New York City.
Watch it for… Aziz Ansari and his acerbic views on big-city life and privilege. Aside from his starring role as Dev, the ‘Parks and Recreation’ alum is also the co-creator of this wildly acclaimed show.
The premise sounds familiar… but the ambition and execution of ‘Master of None’ is second to none. Throughout the first season’s ten episodes, Ansari manages to poke fun at various #firstworldproblems plaguing today’s Social Media Generation, from spending a ludicrous amount of time consulting the internet for the trendiest food in town to Uber-ordering etiquette while on a date.
So, it’s kind of like ‘Girls’… but less grating and more upbeat, with likeable characters you can root for facing more profound issues. Case in point: The debut season’s most talked-about episode, ‘Parents’, involves flashbacks of the immigrant stories of Dev’s parents (played by Ansari’s actual mum and dad) and their initial struggles in America. Meanwhile, the brilliant ‘Indians on TV’ episode is a biting satire about ethnic casting and stereotypes in television and Hollywood as a whole.
‘Master of None’ is groundbreaking… and also just plain ol’ excellent. Sure, the diversity of the cast received plenty of press attention upon its premiere – and rightly so – but ultimately, ‘Master of None’ ranks among the finest and snappiest comedies in modern television because of its stellar cast, outstanding writing and clear ethos.
As if the series wasn’t well rounded enough… ‘Master of None’ also succeeds as a rom-com. Dev falls for Noël Wells’s Rachel – a cool music PR executive reminiscent of Gretchen from ‘You’re The Worst’ sans the cynicism and nastiness – and the sheer unpredictability of their relationship evokes memories of indie films like ‘(500) Days of Summer’ and ‘While We’re Young’.