Ikal Mayang is back again and will be presenting 18 short films under the theme ‘Serupa’ (similarities). Some of the short films that will be featured this year are ‘Classmates’ by Davina Goh, ‘Kari’ by Kavita Sidhu and ‘Suara’ by Adibah Noor. Previously open only to entries by women, this year’s Ikal Mayang will feature works by men as well including ‘Kayuh’ by Wak Doyok, ‘Ben & Luna’ by Vince Chong and ‘Sama Sama’ by Afdlin Shauki. There will also be the #SamaSamaBercerita programme in which you and a celebrity tell each other stories for five minutes.
The screening is open to the public with purchase of the Ikal Mayang FestCon Sunday Pass (RM60). There will also be a special screening of the documentary ‘Tanah Mama’ produced by the Kalyana Shira Foundation. Email ninie@womengirls.org or contact 03 7954 4868 to buy passes.