If you can't make the time to visit an art gallery, Urbanscapes is putting art into your daily commute. The next time you're passing through Bangsar, Pasar Seni, Hang Tuah, Masjid Jamek, Tasik Selatan, Ampang Park and Sri Rampai LRT station, spare a minute to admire specially commissioned artworks and installations by Cloakwork, Minut Init, Orkibal, HappyPass, abdulrashade, Kazel Lim, Vivi Hazolene, Nadhir Nor and Katrina Khair. The installations feature a room-sized, illuminated cube large enough for you to walk in and snap a photo to 'break the monotony of your morning commute' – you may miss a train (or two) in the process, but in the interest of art, the LRTs can wait. Or just do this on your way home when you're in less of a rush.

Photo: All is Amazing
As Tasik Selatan is better known for being a major interchange station that gets extremely crowded on Fridays than a cool station for taking pretty pics, the addition of artist Orkibal's mural in a white cube (curiously placed at the station's busiest spot) gives a quirky touch to the otherwise drab station.

Orkibal's work-in-progress at Tasik Selatan Photo: All is Amazing

Cloakwork's graffiti at Ampang Park stationPhoto: All is Amazing
Currently you can only view completed installations at Ampang Park (by Cloackwork), Tasik Selatan (by Orkibal) and Hang Tuah (by Minut Init). The rest are still works in progress, so keep an eye out at these stations and locations:
1. Bangsar LRT - HappyPass by September Khu
2. Sri Rampai LRT - abdulrashade
3. Masjid Jamek LRT tunnel - Kazel Lim and Vivi Hazolene
4. Pasar Seni LRT - Nadhir Nor
5. Avenue K - Katrina Khair
Once completed, you'll have a month to check out these works. The public art initiative is backed by Malaysian crowdbacking platform, webe community and is part of the 'Arts on the Move' project by ThinkCity and RapidKL.
Urbanscapes 2016 happens April 23 to May 8 at venues across town. For the list of events, see our guide to Urbanscapes.