
Times Out food review: Starbucks Reserve

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Time Out KL contributors

Ishh... I was having a bad day yesterday. I was at Mid Valley but it was so busy, so many people. So I went to Gardens je lah, not so sesak. Datin Farra and I was supposed to go shopping together, the bag that I order from Paris finally arrived! I don’t wanna say which one lah, later people say I very riak. Usually Datuk and I just buy the bags ourselves in Europe but he’s busy now since he got the project with Tan Sri Joe. Anyway I should be happy kan? Since my dark pink crocodile skin handbag (with my initials!) is here. But tak best lah if you go shopping alone. I was very upset at first when Datin tak jadi but she said her skin therapist Dr Diego had a cancellation so she just had to snap up that slot. Her skin is quite terrible so I maafkan je lah.

So I went to get my bag and since I was feeling a bit sedih I thought I better pegi buat nails at the salon. You know, the one next to Nine West. They’re not tip top like the one in Pavilion but takpe lah, next week I get Zeta (my usual manicurist) to fix. You all must know right, Starbucks is not really my thing but I was parched and tak larat wanna go downstairs to TWG! But nasib baik, this Starbucks is a little different. It’s a nicer, a more atas one called Starbucks Reserve. Normally I get Siti (my PA) to get me something but suddenly she want to kahwin lah apa lah so I have to do everything myself.

Not like the usual Starbucks, okay

I went in and all the baristas (that’s what they call them now) are wearing fedoras and nice uniforms, I like. The decor also very nice. A lot of wood here and there and the tile floor outside is also very nice. The walls like separuh siap, can see the bricks, but all the cafes in Australia and Europe like that now, so trendy kan? I took some photos but if tak clear I’m so sorry, susah lah guna phone ni. Very creative you know this people they put congkak for decor and use coffee beans as the congkak beans. The menu got all the usual items lah like lattes and Frappuccinos and all that. Sandra (my dietician) probably don’t approve me drinking coffee so I order chocolate cream chip Frappuccino, the nice girl at the counter said that’s one of their best-seller, so must try right?

Uniform cantik dah, spelling must be cantik also okay. It’s Datin Dyana

I switch the milk to low-fat lah, of course. I waited for my drink and saw some cakes on the counter as well. The red velvet looks good and since Hassan (my driver) stuck in a jam, I pun nak try lah. So long I waited, rupanya kena pick up sendiri. Ishh I thought this one special Starbucks they send your drink to your table but still the same. What for call Starbucks Reverse like this. Time ni lah I feel like cursing Siti in my head. She better pray I don’t find another Siti.

And you know what, lepas tu they spell my name wrong! I said ‘Datin Dyana’ but they wrote ‘Diana’ aje. I geram betul but I sabar je and ingat what Ustazah Nour said in class hari tu. She said 'sabar tu separuh daripada iman' and all of this is just duniawi, you know.

Unperfect red velvet

And then I took a bite of the red velvet, it was okay, not too bad. I mean of course lah tak sama like the one in Paris but okay lah, not bad. The cake is moist enough and the frosting is sweet just how I like it. But one thing lah I wanna complain, the frosting was a little cacat, I mean it wasn’t like kemek or anything but you see lah in the picture, the lines not perfect. But it’s okay lah I don’t want to get too worked up over small things. Maybe I should get my son Azman to open a café, since he doesn’t really know what to do now after coming back from the UK. He said he wants to be a DJ but I don’t think Datuk approves of that.

Okay lah I need to go now, I’m late for Datin Tiara’s poco-poco party. Bye all, until next time.

Datin Dyana is a 40-year-old homemaker who calls Kuala Lumpur home and regularly writes about her adventures. She likes diamonds, handbags, her family and the kids of Rumah Sri Berlian (of which she is a patron).

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