
The Time Out KL team picks the best beards and moustaches

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Time Out KL editors

We know you probably have Christmas on the brain already, so just before Movember ends, we're honouring the men (and one cat) who ditched the shavers and embraced their inner lumberjack. 


1. Gandalf The Grey/White
A beard is like a cheap wardrobe change. The greatest wizard who ever lived (oh wait, that’s Dumbledore) went from pipe-smoking Gandalf to legion commander Gandalf just by straightening those bristles out. His epic battle with the smouldering Balrog also confirmed his beard to be fireproof. Kong Wai Yeng


2. Colonel Sanders
Because fried chicken. Okay, because Colonel Sanders and his benevolent furry white goatee basically contributed to mankind with the secret 11 herbs and spices. Joyce Koh


3. Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali – the surrealist sensation – was more than just his moustache; he was a skilled (if flamboyant, exhibitionist, and notorious etc.) painter who also happened to own a pet ocelot. One time, while delivering a lecture wearing a deep-sea diving suit (what do you mean ‘why’? Because he wished to descent to ‘the depths of the subconscious’, that’s why), he nearly suffocated speaking about his own self-importance. Also this quote: ‘Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy —the joy of being Salvador Dalí’. I can only wish I were as self-actualised. Ng Su Ann


4. Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson is a badass (and the moustache kinda sealed the deal). If I’m stuck on a desert island anywhere and I have Ron Swanson I know I’ll be fine. Of course I’ll be sneaky and eliminate him once I’ve absorbed all his survival knowledge because Ron would’ve done the same thing. Unless, you know, Leslie comes in and ruins it all with her whole ‘friendship is gold’ or whatever. Nadia Rosli


5. Hagrid
Okay, I know Harry named his second son after the two headmasters of Hogwarts, but if Mr Lightning Bolt Scar was serious about naming the kid in memory of ‘the bravest man he ever knew’, Albus Severus Potter should’ve been Rubeus Hagrid Potter because Hagrid did everything (everything!) for Harry. Also, look at that magnificent shaggy black beard. He could’ve just stuffed Norbert (later Norberta) the dragon in it and saved everyone the trouble of getting rid of the poor creature. Melissa Mazlan


6. Justin Vernon (aka Bon Iver)
I’m very pro-beard so I’m just going to say that any musician who has tattoos, a beard and makes beautiful music is number one in my books. I can’t wait to see this beard in person come 2016. Alison Khong

7. Prince Harry
When the baby-faced younger brother of Prince William grew facial hair, the world took notice. As did yours truly. His beard makes him look more grownup, more serious, more a man (when he smirks now he’s hot, not ‘cute’). Also, he’s a prince. And he’s English. Chai Tze Yuen

8. Hamilton the Hipster Cat
Okay I know Hammy's a cat – but look at that white moustache! Those facial-hair enthusiasts who spend years growing what can only be called ‘the woman repellent’ don’t stand a chance against Hammy.  Syarifah Syazana

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