'In life, not everything is perfect. You might score an A, B, C, or fail at certain things. But still try to score an A, okay?' - Kong Wai Yeng
To carry tissues packets with me all the time. But really, she encouraged my love for reading – she bought me endless books growing up, no questions asked (she still does). - Ng Su Ann
Aside from how to fold flour into cake batter, my mum always tells me to be nice and belanja people because it’s not good to be stingy with your money. - Syarifah Syazana
You can save and scrimp on anything but food. Always eat whatever you want. - Lim Chee Wah
That I should not run myself ragged for others because I am not indispensable. - Chai Tze Yuen
If the television stops working, don’t replace it. - Joyce Koh
Don’t be grumpy in the morning; it’ll ruin your entire day. - Alison Khong
I’ve learnt not to run around outdoors during Maghrib (because you will maybe fall off a bicycle in the park or hit a doorway, both of which result in stitches). - Nadia Rosli
Marry a man who can cook, because I apparently set kitchens on fire. - Melissa Mazlan