
No Lights No Lycra invites you to dance in the dark

Written by
Melissa Mazlan

So you've tread on a few toes while dancing and winced in embarrassment as your partner winced in pain, but don't hang up your dancing shoes (and dreams) just yet. Meet global dance community No Lights No Lycra: They believe anyone can dance (yes, even your uncoordinated self) and that technique and form shouldn't matter. Hence, sessions by the community will be held in dimly-lit rooms with no teacher or basic steps to learn. This means you're free to move any way you want, lose yourself in the music and dance without worrying about how you look (we say seize this chance to shake it off a la Taylor Swift).

If you're up for an hour or so of friendly, non-judgmental dancing in the dark, Malaysia's first No Lights No Lycra session happens at PJ's PORT Commune on Wednesday, July 27. Bring a bottle of water, comfortable dancing shoes and a willing partner (plus RM10 for the entry fee). Be sure to be there at 8pm sharp, and know that while you might step on a few more toes than usual, it’s all in the name of self-expression and dance. Psst, there won't be any lights but you can still show up in Lycra.

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