Back in the office? Here's a step-by-step guide to easing into work after the long holiday. Also, please don’t get stuck on step one (because we all know this too well).
Step one
Watch tons of cat videos. Before you know it, it’s time to clock out. Here’s a list of all the cat superstars of 2015. You’re welcome.
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Step two
Take long (but reasonable) team lunches. If anyone asks, it’s good for team-building – which we’re sure is very true. Need suggestions? We recommend bonding with your workmates over a banana leaf lunch.

Photo: Hizwan Hamid
Step three
De-clutter: Start with your desk. Throw out all those unnecessary files and cookies from last year’s Hari Raya (cleaning your desk is work-related as long as it involves some work documents). Next, you can think about de-cluttering your closet and maybe your life.
Step four
Plan your next trip. This way you can look forward to your next vacation. There are plenty of long weekends this year, so once you’ve picked your dates, read our travel guides.

Photo: Templer Park Rainforest Retreat
Step five
Okay, time to get real because work (and bills, and life) will not conveniently disappear. The major key to accomplishing your goals – as DJ Khaled would have said it – is to jot down those goals in your brand new notebook. If you still haven’t gotten one, see our list of the best stationery brands and shops in KL.

Photo: Notbook Notbuk
Congratulations! You're now pumped and ready for another work year. Okay, maybe after one more cat video...