Ahead of his set at Raising the Bar Festival on Saturday, we caught up with New York rapper Heems whose latest release explores the narrative of a post-9/11 brown man, but alas we talked about none of that...
1. How has the 'taliban chic' look been going for you?
I think it’s been going well. I see it’s catching on with other designers.
2. You made ‘Eat Pray Thug’ in India. What made things different?
I think it allowed me to explore topics other than race in America.
3. Do you think you'll ever be done talking about race, identity and culture?
No but hopefully I will be able to talk about it outside of my own context one day.
4. This won't be your final album, right? Any updates on 'Swetshop Boys'?
No. The new EP [for 'Swetshop Boys'] is done and we're sorting out the release now.
5. Do you ever get tired of people asking you about Das Racist?
I’m proud of that project but I'm more proud of what it has set up for me to do next.

Catch Heems at Raising The Bar Festival.