Yusuf Taiyoob, RM15.09
Yusuf Taiyoob’s Safia range of Tunisian dates comes in a box printed with designs of the desert, complete with illustrations of date palms. Very educational. Plus, there’s a large ‘window’ in the centre of the box, allowing consumers to take a good peek at the dates before deciding on the purchase.
After the unboxing ceremony, we noticed that the smallish dark brown dates (all attached to their branches) had patches of sticky dried juice on it.

Yusuf Taiyoob’s dates were comparatively juicier, with an easy bite.
The raisin-looking Yusuf Taiyoob had a very strong sweet taste. It gave some of us a sugar high.
It’s a close battle, but sorry, Yusuf Taiyoob, we like the whispering (and we understand that dates are naturally very high in sugar), but a sugar high isn’t a good state to be in after a day of fasting. Eat this for sahur instead.

Sunsweet, RM14.39
While Sunsweet’s box has a smaller ‘window’ which restricted the view of our dates, the overall design (travellers on camels, rays of sun, a silhouette of the desert) evokes ‘Arabian Nights’ and the upcoming Raya celebrations. Very festive. We approve. Also, a tagline proclaims that we’ll be purchasing a box of ‘Smart Dates, natural with branches’. Intriguing.
Sunsweet’s dates were visibly larger and while the skin was more wrinkled, the dates did have a lighter colour. One blind taster commented on its ‘squidgy’ appearance.

Sunsweet was rather dry, but there was a lot of flesh. The skin was somewhat crunchy too.
Not living up to its name, Sunsweet was less sweet, but it was pleasingly natural. There were also hints of honey and mango. However, one blind taster had a date that was nearly tasteless. In all, more hits than misses.
While we’re not quite sure how the dates from Sunsweet are smart, we do like the fact that it had a more natural flavour. It tasted good, and it was meatier. Sunsweet will be our date of choice.
For more buka puasa ides, see our list of buka puasa buffets and meals in town.