Dear Ummi Khazriena,
A couple of days ago a photo surfaced online of you and your buddy Tan Hong Ming and a lot of people were happy to see the photo because it made them feel nostalgic of (perhaps better) days past. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop some people from highlighting other aspects of that picture – your body. We know that such lewd comments must have disgusted you (as we were too). Just know that the internet has always been a weird place, there’s always a fair share of the bad and the good. Don’t ever feel ashamed of your body – you can wear whatever you like, no one should tell you otherwise. So whatever you’re wearing, however you look like, we’re happy that you’re all grown up. Through that 80-second video, you’ll always be Malaysia’s little girl.
PS: What would Yasmin Ahmad think.
Watch 'Tan Hong Ming in Love':