Artists reinvented an entrancing 1,700-year-old visual art form. Originating in ancient China using a large translucent screen and flat puppets on sticks, a new movement in the mid-80s innovated the historic technique to explore the artistic potential of the human body’s shadow. The use of living human shapes tells “a simple story that can be understood without words, and, at the same time, fascinating to dive into head first.”
Playing with light and the plasticity of human form, an artistic team constructed a creative brand-new program, with yet another intriguing twist: audience interaction. For the first time, audience members can engage in the show, actively participating in the visually striking story and its development.

Courtesy of PR
Hosting the world premiere of this exciting new stride in the international shadow theater movement, Israeli audiences will be the first to experience the unique show and integrate into the performance.
Combining dance, talented acting, spectacular acrobatics, and interactive 3D technology, prepare to be swept away by vivid emotions into the magical shadow world.

Courtesy of PR
Catch one of the five shows from May 12-16, in Tel Aviv, Rishon LeZion, Ashdod, Be’er Sheva, and Kiryat Motzkin, from NIS 99-196. Check here for the schedule and tickets.