
Time Out is turning 50, a look back into the past half century

Written by
Time Out Tel Aviv Writers
From an underground fanzine in London to a magazine read by millions around the world. Time Out celebrates 50 years of sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, and quite a bit of good food. We dug deep into the archives and found some of the most special covers through the years in London, New York and also Tel Aviv


Tony Elliott, a 21-year-old student, founded Time Out London, with 70 pounds he got as a birthday gift from his aunt. The first issue was printed in 5,000 copies and was a guide to the counter-culture in London.

August 1968


Time Out becomes a bi-weekly magazine, and is printed in 10,000 copies. The editors of the first sections join, and the magazine gets the status of the ultimate guide to everything that is happening in the city.

First nude cover. September 1969


The familiar Time Out logo appears for the first time. It was supposed to be temporary, but it has been a staple for 48 years with minor changes.


Time Out becomes a weekly magazine and expands its content.

Featuring an Interview with Andy Warhol. March 1971


The first Time Out guest editors are the members of Monty Python, in an issue that had Terry Gilliam's work on the cover.

May 1973


Two Time Out reporters are arrested after leaking an interview from the British Intelligence.


Time Out was the first British non-LGBTQ related newspaper to print a cover dedicated to the community.

June 1979


Time Out City Guides to Paris and New York appear for the first time.

May 1994


Time Out New York was founded and became the first magazine of the brand outside the UK. At the same time, Time Out's website, which currently exists in 108 cities, is now online with 22.6 million visitors every month.

Sept 1995

April 1995


Time Out Tel Aviv was born! 

March 2001


Time Out New York announces the cover title: "The Hipster Must Die!" And we hear that the Hipster has died every year since. Let him die already.

July 2008


Time Out London becomes a free magazine and increases its circulation to 306,000 copies.


Time Out's first market was founded in Lisbon, with a physical representation of everything that makes Time Out what it is - the best restaurants, bars and cultural events in the city. Time Out Markets will open in New York, Boston, Miami, Chicago and Montreal in the coming year.

Time Out Tokyo, June 2014


This year, On Time Out's 50th, the magazine is being read around the world by 7.4 million people and 217 million users on the magazines global platforms every month - and that's just the beginning.

Time Out Tel Aviv, 2017

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