
The moviegoer's guide to Israeli cinemas

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg
There's something daunting about ripping off that Band-Aid and going to see your first movie in a foreign country. Will there be trailers? Will there be subtitles? Will it be in English? Will it be a movie? The answer to all these questions and more, right here in our moviegoer's guide to Israeli cinemas. 
Here's what to expect at your next movie experience:

Late arrivals. Don't bother putting your feet up on the empty chair in front of you. If there's one thing Israelis detest more than waiting in line, it's waiting for a movie to commence. Expect locals to show up at the very, very, very, very last second, just as the Universal Studios sign is fading in.

Loud chitchat from the minute you enter the theater...

Through the opening credits...

And the entire movie.

Frozen Bamba...salty, then sweet. There, then not there. This strange treat is utterly bewildering.

Beer. But only Jems, and only one kind of Jems (spoiler alert: it's the bad kind).

Seats are assigned. So it's worth reserving ahead, especially when you're cooped up in the depths of Rav Hen's eight-row basement theater.

Overpriced movie snacks. It's universal. Run back and grab some goodies in the basement grocery store of Dizengoff Center...or better yet, the Cheesecake Factory pop-up. That is, if you ever find it. 

Last year's Oscar nominations. Catch those Academy Award nominees on your next trip to North America. Israel gets the short end of the fountain soda straw, whereby movies are usually released here months after their worldwide release dates.

Hebrew subtitles (but English sound!) Just make sure you don't see a foreign film. Then you're really screwed.

Strange over-sized Disney character mannequins that will give both you and your children nightmares.

Hooting and hollering and wild applause at the sight, mention, or even allusion to Gal Gadot, or any Israeli actress and/or product for that matter.

Now that you're ready, it's movie time. Check out Five indie theaters to catch International and Israeli movies.
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