An annual performance of creations by the dancers of the Batsheva Dance Company

"When a dance is created, it is instantly erased, leaving behind only a memory - even if we want to, we could not place it on top of a souvenir shelf". Join the Batsheva Dance Company for the dance of this moment, when the dancers, who are now choreographers, present their short pieces in a night that is beyond destruction and creation: WRECKCREATION
Works by the Batsheva Dance Company dancers: Ben Green, Yael Ben Ezer, Etay Axelrod, Luke Jacobs, Amalia Smith, Rani Lebzelter, Hugo Marmelada, and Billy Barry.
WRECKCREATION:Suzanne Dellal Center, Varda Hall, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv
Tickets: NIS 60. Purchase online at , or telephone: 03-5171471 ext. 115

Wreckcreation © Yona & Jonatan Preminger