
Shop the globe at the Jaffa gallery-cum-boutique, Rezort

Elianna Bar-El
Written by
Elianna Bar-El

The new home design and fashion boutique, Rezort, boasts flavors and textiles from all over the world, in addition to local art work and photography. Prepare to fall hard

Walking into Rezort is like walking into a tactile dream of colors, fabrics, textiles, prints and passions. Everywhere your eyes dart, there is something new and curious to land on and the first impression leaves people questioning ‘who is behind all of this?’ The sheer mixing and matching, quality and taste that fuse together is more than an eyeful, and for design lovers, stylists and fashion connoisseurs alike, this fantastic shop, facing the water in its own intimate corner of Jaffa’s Old City, is a surprising breath of fresh air.


Owner and founder Barak Nachmani has had a storied life thus far, full of opportunities that could make most people’s heads spin. But his entrepreneurial spirit and deep interests in travel, the environment, and bringing like-minded people together, has become the focal point of his career. After serendipitously ending up as an intern for billionaire conglomerate Conair Corporation on a trip to California at the ripe age of 20, Nachmani’s early adult life took shape right before his eyes, and in many ways, a magical path was set before him.

Barak Nachmani

What was supposed to be an explorative surfing trip turned into his formative years working in China, gaining hands-on experience in every kind of manufacturing, trade and sales position available to him through the big-box manufacturing company. From learning Chinese to negotiating even the smallest details for orders of mom and pop chains, and later, huge accounts like Saks 5th Avenue and Target, Nachmani worked himself higher and higher, finding himself among the ranks of sales agents triple his age. His refuge were fly-by the-seat-ofhis- pants weekend surf trips in Hong Kong and Singapore.


After almost seven years and exhaustive stretches of nonstop work, he took a couple of much-needed vacations to various places for stints of time – including travelling all over Morroco – which, unbeknownst to him, led him to a turn in his career. With a knack and appreciation for stylish interiors and one-of-a-kind objets d’art, travelling in Morocco turned into a calling for buying special items and shipping them back to Los Angeles. A loose idea of Rezort was born.


Nachmani started posting the items on his Instagram account and it wasn’t long before “the guy with the cool rugs” was selling items quicker than he had gathered them. This led to pop up shops that took off in L.A. and Tulum and the seeds of an online presence . With a massive container of product, and a whole lot of determination and inspiration, he packed his plans and decided to return to Israel to create a foundation for the marketplace, which, just last year, marked its first stationary brick-and-mortar home adjacent to The Jaffa Hotel.


From quilted poufs and traditional Boujad rugs in intricate designs, to delicate, handmade jewelry and art work by local artists and photographers gracing the walls, Rezort is a one-stop shop bringing artisans and design lovers together. The shop is a business card for the online marketplace, which is currently brimming with a range of creators spanning the globe. What’s more is that the marketplace is highly edited, solely hosting the most trusted and unique sellers – entirely curated by Nachmani., 4 Louis Pasteur, Jaffa

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