
Say Goodbye to Tailor Made, Piano House, Edmund Cafe, Cookies Bar & more

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Time Out Tel Aviv Writers
The Allenby 99 complex, which includes some of Tel Aviv's most beloved small businesses in the area, will soon be destroyed in favor of "urban renewal" and will become a prestigious residential project.

The Lotus Bookstore will close down after more than 50 years (!) of activity, along with Tailor Made, Piano House (Beit HaPsanter), Edmund Cafe, Cookies Bar, Durak Bar, Hotel Allenby, and the Slippers bar. The buildings will be demolished and construction of a new and prestigious housing project will begin in their place. Behind the project is the real estate giant Nitzan Group.

Piano House © Ariel Efron

The current project goes hand in hand with another project approved by the Tel Aviv Municipality and will be implemented in the forthcoming months: the renovation of the Great Synagogue. "Our inspiration comes from Milan. Allenby will be closed to cars and busses and Light Rail tracks will be built in both directions," explains attorney Doron Ariel, one of the group's owners.

The Great Synagogue on Allenby street © Shutterstock

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