
Parade your brain-eating, blood-thirsty side through the Tel Aviv streets this Purim

Written by
Shoshana Rice

With about 4,000 zombies last year alone, the annual Tel Aviv Zombie walk is growing every year and becoming a large scale Purim tradition.

No matter the weather, zombies will congregate at the corner of Ben Zion and King George Street on March 3rd at 21:30. Around 22:00 someone will make an announcement and kick off the wave of hangry zombies. Please be on time so that the parade can flow across the city in one epic mob.

The parade can last anywhere from half an hour to two hours, but there will be break points for the slower zombies to catch up. You’re encouraged to take your time strutting your ghastly stuff, hanging out with your fellow zombies, resting, and scaring passersby (though please exercise some judgement and avoid totally harassing people).

The event is completely volunteer-based, so spread the word and bring your friends. Stock up on your face paint, rags, and jugs of fake blood – the creepier, the better!

For more information, check out the Facebook event.

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