
Hit the Streets! New Exhibition in Old Jaffa's Alleys

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Time Out Israel Writers
Street smART  - Street Photography - Victor Politis

This exhibition of 60 authentic photographs from around the world will be displayed at the Street Gallery in the alleys of Old Jaffa starting June 13. The exhibition is a solo showcase of works by veteran photographer Victor Politis, whose photography has appeared in many international exhibitions, and received great reviews and awards. Victor has published three photography books and the photographs on display have been carefully chosen from thousands of works presenting authentic, everyday scenes from different streets around the world.

© Victor Politis

"Victor Politis is an artist with a unique, humane and sensitive perspective, and his work as an international entrepreneur enables him to reach many places that are not necessarily familiar," says the exhibition curator Limor Margolis." The StreetsmART exhibition draws our attention to the endless creativity that exists in the street, stemming from humanity's existential need to survive and reinvent itself every day, which is a kind of street wisdom and life. In every photograph there is a part of the DNA of his soul, his mind, his personality and his private world view. "
© Victor Politis

Victor Politis is an entrepreneur and photographer who was born in Greece, lived for many years in Manhattan and has lived in Old Jaffa for the last 10 years. He has been photographing since the 70's in more than 80 countries around the world and has exhibited in a number of solo exhibitions in London, New York, Istanbul, Lagos and Old Jaffa. His photographs have appeared in prestigious magazines around the world and he has won several awards, including first place in Canon's International Photography Competition.

© Victor Politis
Street smAT Photography Exhibition: June 13th - Julyth 2018, entrance is free
The gallery is open 24/7 in Mazal Dagim and Mazal Arieh Alley, Old Jaffa
For more information, visit
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