The Hamim Festival is Thursdays and Fridays in Shuk HaZtafon throughout January
Just in time to truly mark the winter weather in Israel, Shuk HaZtafon ('Northern Market') is launching the first Hamim (Cholent) Festival, scheduled through three consecutive weekends in January. Thursdays between noon to 7 pm and Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm, food stalls will be simmering with authentic hamim recipes from across the country. Taste the Haredi Cholent from Beit Shemesh, Hungarian Hamin from Nahariya, Khala Bibi Hamin from Ramat Hasharon and Tabby Iraqi from Petah Tikva - all these and many more will gather together under one roof and bring this comforting Jewish food staple to the public, at the peak of the rainy season.

Hamim Festival © Shani Brill
Hamin, also known as cholent, is one of the oldest Jewish stews in the world, found across borders and continents. While its varying components are evidence of a multitude of versions, one thing remains uniform - the slow-brewing stew nourishes and warms families come Saturday. Many hamim recipes have been passed through Poland, Persia, Iraq, and Morocco and are cooked with a variety of legumes, meats, fish, vegetables and spice mixes.

Hamim Festival © Shani Brill
Head to this unique Hamim Festival to savor the mix of options - from Viennese and Italian traditions to a Mexican-inspired mutton stew and even a hot-tempered Indian version.

Hamim Festival © Shani Brill
Hamim Festival
January 9-10, 16-17, and 23-24
Thursday from 12:00-19:00 and Friday 9:00-15:00
Available to eat on-site or take away.
North Market, 20 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd, Tel Aviv