This Passover you can enjoy a Gaga workshop for parents and children, followed by Kamuyot, a dance show for the whole family by Ohad Naharin
The special multisensory experience includes a class in the Gaga language for children and parents together, followed by a performance of Kamuyot by the Gaga king Ohad Naharin, per formed by the Batsheva Ensemble. Arrive in comfortable clothes for a day of fun and get to know the world of dance with the little ones.

The program: 10:00 AM - Gaga language lesson for the whole family (40 minutes) 10:50 AM – Break 11:00 AM - Per formance of the show Kamuyot by Ohad Naharin (50 minutes nonstop),Varda Hall 12:30 PM – Another per formance of Kamuyot
April 23-25. The Suzanne Dellal Center, 5 Yehieli St, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv. 03-5171471, NIS 85 for the show only, NIS 125 for a combined Gaga class and performance.