As a Canadian who picked up and moved 9,000km across the world, I had to give up my greatest vice: maple syrup. Every time the Benedict’s waitress plops a big jug of “faple” corn syrup on the table, the maple leaf-shaped hole in my heart widens. And so, when I found out that a fellow canuck with a similar bone to pick was importing the real deal from North America, I knew it was fate. I rang up Torontonian-born-Israel-bound legend, Avraham McGowan, to find out more.
How did you come up with idea to important maple syrup to Israel?
We had a “nest egg” in the bank in Canada and the year after we made Aliyah, the Canadian Government taxed us and cleaned out the nest egg. Then they spent the rest of the year giving most of it back to us. It was weird and pointless so we decided to do something with it. The maple syrup here is either really expensive or really fake. We hated it. We decided to convert our money into maple– if we couldn't sell it, we’d be well-stocked for the next few years.
What is your title at "Maple Syrup in Israel"?
I am the founder and chief box mover. My wife is the final authority figure; she handles most of the marketing and branding. Two of my older kids are the chief salespeople (as they have the Hebrew and I do not). The other kids have contributed in their own ways by carrying boxes, approving the artwork, and performing Quality Control checks every few days (with pancakes or French toast).

Is your supply from the Great White North?
No, it actually comes from Wisconsin. We initially tried to buy it from Canada. Three producers wouldn’t ship to us as we weren’t ordering enough and three others wouldn’t talk to us after we mentioned “Israel." We found Anderson’s online and they were happy to sell us small amounts. We got a better product (darker, stronger maple taste) at a better price, too.
What Grades do you sell?
We sell "Dark" (Grade A) and "Very Dark" (formerly Grade B), organic and non-organic maple syrup in 8 oz, 16 oz, and 32 oz glass bottles. Prices range from NIS 40-110. We also sell 1 gallon jugs.
"Dark Amber" or "Golden Fancy"?
I grew up with Quebec and Ontario maple syrup so Grade A “Golden Fancy” was all I knew. I didn’t taste Grade B until getting here. Now I’m a “Dark Amber” kinda guy.

Do you sell any other maple products?
We have a vegan, artisan maple soap, homemade maple sugar, and maple whiskey (all made here, in Northern Israel).
So where can we find "the goods”?
At We also do the rounds at niche food markets and festivals. Plus, we have friends that hold onto small amounts and hand them off to customers as needed. We call them our “Trempers.”
Let’s talk about the table syrup conspiracy.
It’s sad that so many Israelis go through life not knowing what real maple syrup tastes like–it’s always incredible to see someone’s face after their first sample. It’s also disturbing to think of the health implications of people spending their lives drinking synthetic corn syrup believing that it’s healthy.
Got any fun facts about maple?
Maple syrup doesn't freeze. It also may help fight antibiotic- resistant bugs. Rumors of it fighting cancer are a long way from being validated, but momentum is growing.

Have you ever tried to tap a tree in Israel's forests?
Sadly, no. The winter here needs to be cold enough to make the ground freeze for a few months so that the sap can build up and be harvestable. Israel has tree species that would be good for tapping, but no winter freeze. Maybe if somebody built a refrigerated greenhouse? Hmmm…
I hear that supposedly, maple syrup can soothe sunburns, act as an organic bike grease, and when combined with Tubi, has mild hallucinogenic effects. Your thoughts...
In 2014, researchers announced that the sap in the maple syrup contained dozens of chemical compounds with far-reaching implications. I think that the number of uses for it will increase over time as health and environmentally conscious people start to pay attention to it.
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