
Dive into this spectacular contemporary dance event: 2018 Diver Festival

Written by
Time Out Israel Writers

Diver Festival is an annual festival that combines dance and performance shows with a unique and distinctive voice from Israel and abroad, along with lectures, talks, and workshops. The festival lasts for three full weeks, in a variety of spaces, theaters, and galleries throughout Tel Aviv and Jaffa.

This years festival theme is: PrimiTV - In the midst of the digital age and the division between world authorities, the Diver Festival offers a re-examination of the dance world as "primitive" art, an idea neglected in contemporary discourse. The festival proposes to rehabilitate this theme with the term "PrimiTV" - the dance as an ancient "screen" in the human culture that lives to this day, and offers, alongside watching the "screen," privacy and intimacy between bodies, thoughts, and ideas. 

Loveism © Paul Sixta

The Diver Festival promotes dance with thought and vision while maintaining a connection between the Middle Eastern region and the world. This year, as well as the years before, the festival will also expose the Israeli audience to contemporary and leading artists.

Merav Dagan © Ophir Ben Shimon

The festival will show in the three weekends from August 29th to September 15th

For tickets and more information:

Epoch © Alain Monot

1st weekend: 29.8-1.9

Wednesday, August 29th, 20:00 - Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Center); duration: 45 min
Epoch/Volmir Cordeiro & Marcela Santander Corvalán (CL/BR/FR)
The performance will be followed by a discussion between Shir Hacham, the creators, and the audience.
Thursday,  August 30th, 20:30 - Friday 31.8 12:30 Fresco Dance and Art Center; duration: 140 min, PrimiTV @ Fresco/Mor Shani: Love-ism / Tamar Lamm & David Kern: Dogwalkers / Merav Dagan: Bloody Mary / Sun Shy Boy (Emile Lagarde) (NL): That Space Between Us
Friday,  August 31st, 21:00 - Mandel Cultural Center; duration: 130 min
PrimiTV Therapy/Anat Danieli: The Treatment / Ariel Bronz: Me2much / Sigal Bergman: Revert To Manual
Saturday, September 1st 19:30 - Mandel Cultural Center; free admission
Art in the Bureaucratic Space
Saturday, September 1st  21:00 - Mandel Cultural Center; duration: 65 min
SonicBodyTV/ Gali Kaner: Beginning / Bosmat Nossan: Ba Ze

Dogwalkers © Efrat Mazor

2nd weekend: 5.9-8.9

Wednesday, September 5th, 20:00 - Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Centre); duration: 60 min
Ligia Lewis/Minor Matter (DE/DO)
Thursday, September 6th, 18:00 - Saturday 20:30 Mandel Cultural Center; duration: 150 min
Michal Samama/Retrospective: Hospitality
Thursday, September 6th, 21:30 - Friday 7.9 13:00 Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Center); duration: 60 min
Samira Elagoz / Cock, Cock..Who’s There?
Friday,  September 7th, 14:15 - Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Center); free admission
Sex, Art and Danger in the Time of Me2

Minor Matter © Tate

3rd weekend: 12.9-15.9

Wednesday September 12th 19:00 Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Center); free admission
Post Acre in Tel Aviv: Thoughts on the Artist’s Political Action
Discursive Event moderated by Shir Hacham, with the participation of other artists
Wednesday September 12th, 21:00 - Inbal Theater (Suzanne Dellal Center); duration: 60 min
Sharon Zuckerman Weiser/Adam & id
Thursday September 13th, 20:30 - Friday 14.9 20:30 Tmuna Theater; duration: 60 min
Lee Méir/Line Up
Saturday September 15th, 20:30 - Noa Dar Dance Group Studio; duration: 55 min
Noa Dar/NoaNoa
Saturday September 15th, 21:30 - Noa Dar Dance Group Studio; free admission
Conclusions on the term PrimiTV

A closing cocktail discussion with Dr Ruth Abeliovich, Ran Brown, and the audience.

Lee Meir © André Lewski

Tickets and more information at 
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