
Breaking Up is Hard To Do; Find out How to Best Ease the Hurt

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Time Out Israel Editors

A new workshop will teach you how to heal with your achy breaky heart

Yes, the heart wants what it wants. And yes, there are a million song titles that could be woven into this text because, as we all know, heartbreak is a fact of life and the most relatable musical hits, bestselling books, acclaimed movies, dramatic (and humorous) performances can be traced to a universal love story, unrequited love, and going through heartbreak.

But when it happens in real life, how do we actually deal? The dilapidating sorrow is more than most can bear, compounded by city life, dating apps, rebounds and social media all making it pulsate to the maximum capacity.

This workshop can help. It will actively work on helping participants confront and address emotional wounds from past experiences with relationships to open up the "airwaves" for expression, self-love and future relationships. It’s our deepest desire to be loved and to love in return. Yet, when we have had pain from love in the past, it is only rational to want to “defend” ourselves and be less open-hearted. This workshop utilizes NLP timeline therapy to heal old relationship wounds and traumas through guided visualization therapy to empower confidence and engage love. 

This event will be lead by world-renowned healer Danna Pycher, who is a hypnotherapist, author and international motivational speaker featured on TEDx. 

The U.S.-based Pycher specializes in healing trauma and autoimmune disease and the correlation between the two. Through her speaking she is known to connect with her audience in an intimate way leaving a lasting effect. Ultimately, she teaches how to really listen to your inner guidance to flow more effectively through life. 

Post-Valentine's Day and shuffling into the transition of springtime, this is one workshop that is sure to spark some (inner) joy.  

Danna Pycher

NIS 120. Shraddha Yoga Studio, Neve Tzedek, Thursday, February 28 from 20:15-22:00. FB EVENT

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