The Holy land is known for many things from Judaism and antiquity to politics to start-ups, but most don’t realize that Israel is also famous in the birding community as one of the best places in the world to witness bird migration. Israel has the ideal climate and landscape diversity for a massive variety of species to rest on their migratory journey, while residing in a key geographical location. Since the land bridges the Eurasian landmass and the African continent, it’s one of the world’s busiest and most impressive flyways with about 500 million birds and 550 species soaring overhead twice a year.

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The Israel Ornithological Center hosts the Eilat Birds Festival during the peak of spring migration, drawing people from all around the globe to experience this incredible natural phenomenon. From high-level birding professionals, to amateur birders, to photographers to general nature enthusiasts, the week provides amazing opportunities to experience bird migration and see a fantastic variety rare birds.
Birding walks and tours are organized by professionals, taking birders to specific areas at calculated times to make the most remarkable finds. On hikes and at look-outs in years past they’ve witnessed amazing waves of warblers, larks, wheatears, hoope, and sandgrouse to name a few. On the night tour around the Dead Sea they’ve spotted birds such as nightjars and owls, and on trips around the Negev Desert they’ve found macqueen’s bustards, coursers, storks, and much more. Check out daily summaries from 2017 to get a feel for the events.

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Adding extra to the wild experience, tours also often encounter other incredible animals as well, including gazelles, foxes, wolves, jackals and donkeys.
Since the Israel Ornithological Center is a nonprofit environmental organization, all the festival’s proceeds go directly to bird and habitat conservation. So migrate with the annual birds and tens of thousands of bird-watchers to Eilat March 15th-17th to appreciate the richness of Israeli wildlife, do your part for conservation, and experience a vibrant display of a vast variety of nature’s most incredible works.
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