The international Art & Dolls Expo will be held in Jerusalem for the first time, and will feature dozens of spectacular works by leading artists from Eastern Europe, the US and Israel

Doll by Galina Dmitruk, Belarus
The exhibition will include various dolls, including Victorian characters from England, a series of powerful women, bible female characters and beautiful 21st century women hinge dolls. A special area will be dedicated to Teddy bears, a charming project that presents teddy bears as more than just another doll for children; and in a space that would be dedicated to art there will be an exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists from Israel and Russia, created especially for the exhibition.

Doll by Naomi Ocean
The curator and planner of this exhibition, is the international dolls artist Svetlana Pchelnikova, who will show rare dolls from her private collection, in an exhibit called “The Tsar Dolls”. The exhibition will be displayed in the unique space of the Sergei courtyard in the Russian Compound, giving the entire exhibition an aristocratic atmosphere of the 19th century.

Parviz Huseinov & Irina Gundorina

Mikhail Zaikov, Maria, Russia
When: 5-15 September Where: Sergei Yard, 13 Heleni Hamalca Details: