Starting today, at the beginning of the winter season, Grinberg Bistro will serve - for one week only - a menu that is comprised of classic dishes inspired by one of the most interesting kitchens in the world - New Zealand. The new menu will bring New Zealand's fragrances and passion front and center, with all-day dishes created by the restaurant's chef Eliav Goldenberg together with restaurateur Zviki Eshet. Among the dishes diner will find Kaimoana, a classic dish of raw fish or shrimp served with lime and avocado; freshly baked New Zealand green mussels with goat cheese and herbs; lamb stew in hot, crispy dough and other signature dishes that make New Zealand one of the most intriguing and rare kitchens in the world.

© Anatoly Michaello
The roots of New Zealand cuisine are a combination of nature and sea, between the rustic cuisines of the Pacific and the Maori culture. In the past three decades, New Zealand cuisine has undergone a sharp upturn. Local and traditional gastronomy unites the flavorful fish from the Pacific Ocean with the finest meat from the sheep herds, creamy cheeses and local herbs growing in the region. Taste the bounty!