Oh, Purim. What would we do without you? Without your kind inaudible words of encouragement through fist-pumping beats, your non-existent underage drinking policy, your ability to disperse a crowd in seconds via police force, and most importantly, your blessing to make onesies socially acceptable. Indeed, Purim, you're truly the whole package. Between you and I, America's so called "Halloween" can kick it. That being said, let's party on Wayne, party on Garth, and hit the town's best Purim events in style. After all, ain't no party like a Purim party.
One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Cuckoo's Nest has clearly mapped out the best holiday on the Jewish calendar. They have set aside a full two days for this glorious, gluttonous, glitter-filled event. Get ready for the best rooftop party you ever did see, complete with food stands, live performances, DJs, games, exhibits, and more. Spinning: Erez Todres, Alek Lee, and more.
Cuckoo's Nest, 3 Noam St, Jaffa. Feb 28 & Mar 1, 20:00. Free entrance.
Infa Riot @ Levontin 7
The legendary British punk band pays us a visit for a single concert so please jump at this opportunity or forever hold your peace.

7 Levontin St, Tel Aviv. Mar 1, 22:30. NIS 80-100
Going ham(edina)
Why is this day different from any other day? On any other day Kikar Hamedina is a sad empty plot of green too North for comfort, but on this day, the surrounding streets are packed with drunken 14-year-olds dressed as failed rappers and whatever requires the least amount of clothing (complete with some sort of animal ears). Kick it old school at the best damn street party you've ever gotten black out drunk at. Spinning: Adi Noy, Eran Barnea. Special guests: Subliminal and Muki.
Kikar Hamedina, Tel Aviv. Mar 2, 12:00. Free entrance.
Zero to hero
The Fools Company invites you to a carnival of superheroes with all the tight spandex and loose junk you can imagine. This fun themed event includes a heroic setting, Superman & Wonderwoman costumes, and rumor has it that some of Israel's failed comic book heroes like Afikoman and Falafelman will make guest appearances as well. The next best thing since Comicon. Spinning (webs): Spiderman.
8 Dubnov St, Tel Aviv. Mar 1, 21:00. NIS 100-150.
Go green
Call your dealers, alert the Florentin masses, restock on rolling papers! On the occasion of Telegrass' one year anniversary, they're raising awareness (and decreasing brain cells) at one giant smoke cloud of a party at Park HaYarkon. Plus, there's a special Mishloach Manot (wink wink) for guests and a scavenger hunt (guess what the hidden treasure includes?). PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: We are 51% sure that this isn't a cover for some sort of government-ordered drug bust.
Park HaYarkon, Ramat HaHayel, Tel Aviv. Mar 1, 12:00. EVENT DETAILS HERE.
Disco inferno
When will the nostalgic Purim parties? NEVER! Abraham Hostel is traveling back to the grooviest era there is for a mean, lean disco scene – specially for Purim. The party will begin with live music by Grooveline and continue with all the disco ball, checkered dance floor, bell bottom jean-worthy music.
Abraham Hostel, 21 Levontin St, Tel Aviv. Feb 28, 22:00. NIS 50.