A cruel night for single women? No more. This Passover, single women in Tel Aviv are going to deal with the solitude like the queens that they are – through an amazing binge of all the shows, films, and books you can imagine. Because if you're talking about freedom, you might as well celebrate solo without boundaries.
A Table For One: A Critical Reading of Singlehood, Gender and Time by Kinneret Lahad
Dr. Kinneret Lahad's book clearly describes a thought that has been amorphous in the minds of many women since the dawn of history: "If I am a 28-year-old (or older)single woman, then I am old." Lahad creates a separation between the two existential, and totally justified fears – the fear of being alone and the fear of aging – and helps the modern single woman realize that aging is not a sin and singlehood is not a mark of shame.

A Very Realistic Military Game: Inside Amy Schumer
It's hard to choose from Amy Schumer's many skits, but if one were able to express in the sharpest and funniest way the male ignorance towards the subject of sexual harassment, this is it. It is true that not every man is impervious, but you can admit that you have found yourself in a similar situation many times. After you see it, suddenly you will be comfortable sitting alone and watching videos without having to convince some tactless man to notice you.

Doña Rosita the Spinster by Federico García Lorca
Reading is not exactly the most popular among the offers here and certainly not reading plays, but if you get stuck on a guy for a year or more, when his image takes control of your brain and eliminates any good parts of your self esteem, you must read this poetic and wonderful play. Through the story of Doña Rosita, a young woman who is faithful to her traveling fiancé in exile, Federico García Lorca touches the deepest weak points of the human psyche. It is almost inconceivable that a man wrote this masterpiece, which is all about identifying with female pain. Tip: You can find the play in the Cameri archives for zero cost.

Yuval Robichek
Yuval Robichek's illustrations capture in a witty, sincere, and thought-provoking way the moments of distance, lack of synchronization, and loneliness between man and woman. Every illustration of him looks innocent and sweet at first, but at second glance grabs the heart and squeezes it like an old bra you no longer have any sentiments for. Peek, smile, cry, and indulge.
Old TV show
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
No, your day-to-day stocking of your ex's Facebook-Instagram-Twitter is not pathetic and your need to get approval from a man does not make you a rag. You probably feel this way, but after you follow the actions of Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom) and the musical decisions she makes just to get one basic guy (and they are always basic guys), you'll feel a lot better about yourself...and laugh...and adore this crazy woman who made musical lemonade from the sourest of lemons.

New TV show
Jessica Jones
In today's superheroine scene, Jessica Jones is our queen. Jessica is all that Wonder Woman is not. She is not nice, does not smile, does not make any effort, does not depend on anyone, and saves the world wearing faded jeans and a leather jacket. She has sex just because she feels like it, and has a constant vibe of "I don't need anyone." Jessica will make you want to be stronger, better, and do whatever the fuck you feel like. Along the way, you might also start to understand the complicated relationship between you and your mother (if you reach the second season).