
17 signs you're a true Tel Avivian

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg

1. You own at least one bicycle.

2. You know at least one barista, bartender, and kiosk cashier on a first name basis.

3. You're automatically suspicious of anyone who can afford an apartment in Neve Tzedek.

4. Your reaction to a cockroach infestation is "Wow, is it summer already?"

5. You tip 10% - no more, no less.

6. The idea of walking through the Shuk on a Friday is slightly less preferable than walking through an episode of GOT.

7. Your feet have become immune to the sand – a trip to the beach no longer feels like you are walking on burning hot coals.

8. You end up showing your Gett driver the directions.


9. Being charged 30 shekels for a beer does not strike you as borderline criminal.

10. You always know where the nearest AM:PM is.

11. You feel comfortable leaving loud Whatsapp voice messages in quiet waiting rooms rather than texting.

12. You talk about leaving the city every Thursday evening, but never do.

13. You have no shame in cutting the line (that is, if there is a line).

14. You are unfazed by the sound of car horns.

15. Your shesh besh board doubles as a portable lap desk.

16. You've worn jean shorts to work, and not just on casual FriThursday.

17. You immediately hate all people that aren't from Tel Aviv...especially those that reside just outside of it, but come into town on Shabbat to crowd the beaches

Check out 22 things that will definitely happen to you when you move to Israel

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