
Your perfect weekend with: Nana Shrier (of Nanuchka)

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Time Out Israel Writers
Best known for her quirky and delightful vegan-meets-Georgian restaurant, Nanuchka, where throwing back vodka shots and dancing on the bar is a nightly occurrence, Nana lets us in on how to enjoy the perfect weekend in Israel. Coming from one of the most colorful Tel Avivians out there, this information is priceless. Nana’s been around the block and knows what she’s talking about; so listen up, follow carefully, and carry on in the most laid back way...just like she would. 


Alma Beach
First thing’s first, I grab my coffee in Neve Tzedek on Lilienblum Street at a small, old kiosk near Neroli, the organic juice bar and raw food diner. I get delicious bites there, then head to Alma Beach with my daughter and dog, Oskar, for a long walk. (Alma Beach, in front of Manta Ray restaurant)
Alma Beach

© Shutterstock

A Quiet Moment
I sit in my garden with my daughter and feed the crows.


Dining Out
I make several stops to eat during the day - first to Mushkah, my ex-husband’s new restaurant. I love the oven-roasted beans and kohlrabi. Afterwards, I head to North Abraxas for the delectable cauliflower and sweet potato. (Mushkah, 4 Eilat St, Tel Aviv; North Abraxas, 40 Lilienblum St, Tel Aviv)

© Anatoly Michaello

Jaffa Flea Market
I love going to see what is new in Jaffa, and especially to the Flea Market on Fridays, when everything is bustling, just before the quiet of Shabbat. The Shuk itself might be packed on Fridays but don’t let this discourage you. That is exactly  the atmosphere you want to experience in Jaffa: dealers yelling and shoppers bargaining while trying to grab hold of a beautiful new-old-item. 


Havat Zayit Hamidbar
On the weekend, we head south to this special place where we sleep and eat in Indian tents and barbeque sweet potatoes. We also love to go to the ecological village Klil way up north. (
Zayit farm

© Itamar Greenberg

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