
Wonderwoman of the month: Limor Gott Ronen (November)

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Time Out Israel Writers
When we are young, we look up to our mothers, aunts, and grandmothers watching all the tasks they carry out. Like figure skaters in a rink, they make their daily rituals seem seamless, graceful, and elegant; however, as we grow up and we face our own responsibilities, we begin to comprehend the extent of women’s roles in our society, and how those roles have never been as demanding as they are today. Many of the female figures prevalent in our media, culture, and society manage a slew of multi-tasking responsibilities, including being mothers, activists, artists, politicians, wives, businesswomen, and more. The pressures and the demands that society puts on women to carry out so many roles have never been greater. In honor of all the women of the world who are juggling all the moving parts in their lives – while still making time, effort, and energy to nurture themselves and the people around them – we’ve highlighted several local women who exemplify top achievements, inspiration, and strength. Here's our November wonderwoman:


Ever wonder who’s behind the massive upsurge in Israeli TV shows transplanted overseas? In recent years, Israel has made a name for itself as being one of the biggest marketers of TV formats all over the world. You’ve got Limor Gott Ronen to thank for award-winning shows like “Homeland,” based on the original Israeli series “Prisoners of War.”
Perhaps the most crucial element of Ronen’s job as Keshet International’s Director of Marketing and Communications is understanding what makes a good story and moreover, which stories will resonate with international audiences. With a background in content development, communications and sales, she joined Keshet in 2012 and in less than four years has cemented the company’s lauded position in the global TV marketplace. “The combination of rich, voice-driven stories and unique delivery has both made Israeli storytelling a success and an industry I am proud to be part of,” she says.
Ronen spearheaded a deal with Fox International for the rights to remake the award-winning espionage show “False Flag,” which tells the story of five ordinary Israelis who wake up to find they’ve been embroiled as suspects in a high-profile kidnapping. The main characters will become American in the Fox version. Meanwhile, “Prisoners of War” is slated for remakes in Korea, Russia, and Latin America.
Dramatic thrillers aren’t the only successes Ronen has chalked up on her impressive resume. She was also the driving force behind “Rising Star,” the fastest-selling talent format on record, and the explosive game show “Boom!” which has aired more than 400 episodes worldwide across more than 12 countries including the US, France, Spain, and Argentina.
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