The nationwide leading trend to pop-up these past few years is not what one would think. It's not the newest cultural cuisine or the coolest kicks. No, Israel has been struck with the most entertaining, exhilarating trend of all: escape rooms.

Originally developed by a Japanese mastermind who loved turning children's stories into real live adventures, escape rooms were invented to ignite our imaginations. 11 talented young artists have adopted this same goal through their group exhibition that takes its name directly from the imaginative phenomenon. Under the curation of Dalia Levin and Miri Ben Moshe, "Escape Room" will come to life at The Nahum Gutman Museum of Art on May 11 and last until September 2.

The group exhibition transforms the museum space into an escape room of sorts in that hidden at the core of each artist's work are their motives to create the respective pieces. "Escape Room" invites the viewer to decipher these artistic worlds as they cross the boundaries separating personal from universal.

May 11-Sep 2. The Nahum Gutman Museum of Art, 21 Shimon Rokach, Neve Tzedek (03-5161970, Check out their Facebook page for more details.