
Time Out asks: "What is the one thing you'd take home with you from Israel?"

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Time Out Israel Writers
We handed the floor over to our loyal Facebook followers and asked the question: "What is the one thing you'd take home with you from Israel?" After receiving some incredible results, we've handpicked the most true, tangible, and intangible responses:
Malki Ehrlich The endless blue skies
Pamela Wolfman Memories + Arak
Julie Anne Sabich frishman 
Gayle Judson Pride 
Jen Ruckenstein The whole drum circle from Banana Beach!
Derek John Walker A broken bank balance
Sin Titulo Salad for breakfast and veggies as bar food
Jordan Eglow Bagged chocolate milk
Leah Sass A man?
Benjamin Michael A Cofix Bar...wait, they raised the prices up to 6 shekels?? Never mind too expensive
Na'ama Goldfill The feeling of a Friday afternoon
Alex Leila Elite Milk Chocolate Bars w/ Popping Rocks
AND THE WINNER IS...drum roll please...
Silvi Specter I'd stuff Eyal Shani in my suitcase = unlimited cauliflower
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