
The pros and cons of fasting on Yom Kippur

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg
Debating whether to fast or not this Yom Kippur? We've laid out a pros and cons list to help you make that trying decision.
PRO: Getting a head start on those no-carb New Year's resolutions.
CON: Carbs are life.
PRO: That fainting feeling can give you a false sense of euphoria.
CON: Actually fainting.
PRO: You're one step closer to that perfect beach bod.
CON: Autumn is upon us. PLUS, you're fully covered in synagogue anyways. Wow, that doily really defines your hairlines.
PRO: You don't have to take slack for forgetting to brush your teeth.
CON: No one will want to kiss you with halitosis breath.
PRO: The best dairy break fast ever!
CON: You're lactose-intolerant.
PRO: You've got the day off.
CON: So do your kids.
PRO: It's the biking holiday.
CON: Who wants to bike in 30 degree heat without water or a protein bar.
PRO: No need for music when your stomach is grumbling in perfect harmony with the synagogue choir.  
CON: Your stomach is literally eating itself.
PRO: Finally, some motivation to quit that pack a day gum habit.
CON: Tic Tac anyone?
PRO: Brownie points with're not supposed to eat the forbidden fruit.
CON: But it all looks so good.
PRO: A narrower focus to atone for your sins.
CON: Surplus time to think sinful thoughts due to a lack of nourishment to the brain.
Thinking of not fasting this year? Check out the Top Tel Aviv restaurants to dine at this Yom Kippur.
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