Holon's number one design museum seems to have a common theme this year: the senses. First, sight, with their weird and wonderful eyeglass exhibition, and now, they're moving on to tackle the auditory senses. "Sound and Matter in Design" aims to connect our auditory experience as an amorphous theme with the design world by examining five unique aspects in an entirely interactive way.

The exhibition invites visitors for an all-round tactile encounter where they can hear, see, and feel the sounds around them; an invitation to not just experience, but rather be this central component designed by society and culture.

© panGenerator
While the design world is characterized by physical and visual elements such as matter, color, and texture, when in its raw form, sound becomes an equally important abstract element available to the designer.

© La Fotogràfica Barcelona
The exhibit will showcase dozens of sound objects created by local designers as well as iconic objects by international designers, all of which express the technological processes of sound and how these developments have impacted the design world. From radios to installations to LEGO blocks, fabrics, and even vegetables, you'll experience sound in ways you never thought possible.
"Sound and Matter in Design" opens June 29 @ the Design Museum Holon