
Tel Aviv's 'Fashion Revolution Day' paves a future for sustainable clothing

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg

Tel Aviv, Start-up Nation, a city experiencing ongoing change on a daily basis as they constantly find new and innovative ways to move forward in the world. While technological innovations are all the rave, the tech geeks are not the only ones instilling change; Tel Aviv's fashion industry is on an ever-growing mission to come up with new, positive approaches to sustainable and ethical fashion.

Fashion revolution

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Fashion Revolution, a non-profit global movement spread over 90 countries worldwide, has made it their duty to raise awareness about the fashion industry's most pressing issues. Their goal is to rally "the high street, the high end, the innovators, the media, the public, the activists, the makers, the wearers – and everyone in between" to inform consumers of the dangers of fast fashion.

The diverse panel will include Israeli eco-designers (Mauricio Pollacsek, Naomi Maaravi and Shay Schneidermann), professors (Prof. Yair Engel), students, journalists (Michal Arbel-Levy), and startup founder for Marrakesh: Dani Zakon. Highlights include a small screening of documentary "The True Cost," an exhibition fair, a clothing swap organized by TRENCH, and a fashion show produced by GEEKCHIC TLV.


Help sustainable fashion find its future.

Fashion Revolution

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All events will take place at The Porter School for Environmental Studies inside Tel Aviv University. Doors open May 8 at 18:00. For more information check out their website and FB event
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