
Project Muslala

Written by
Jennifer Greenberg
A new initiative creating community through art in Jerusalem's Musrara neighborhood showcases a host of special events
Imagine a safe space for creative minds to unite. Where local art lines the walls, a miniature forest fills the rooftop, dancers Lindy Hop around the studios and tiles from local Jerusalem homes enliven the surrounding area. The Muslala project has gathered these fantasies into one reality: a community of artists, residents and community activists from Jerusalem's Musrara neighborhood, working together to combine artistic activity with social orientation.
In exposing the public tothe arts, the non-profit organization aims to create a "society in which every person is enabled to express and fulfill himself or herself. Art is the only multi-cultural and international language that creates a dialogue between people, groups, communities and nations," says Matan Israeli, co-founder of the Muslala collective.
While the Muslala Group is based inside the Clal Building – with a focus on uniting community and maintaining this open dialogue, it is incredibly fitting that the majority of their projects take place outdoors in the public realm, reaching out to both East and West Jerusalem. Here’s a glance at their upcoming projects:
Gag-Eden: Centre for Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Thinking is offering a special herb gathering tour as an introduction to their January herbs course. Whether a specialist or a green thumb novice, let your senses guide you through an exploration of the aromatic greenery that grows in your very own backyard.
Agriculture garden

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Jan 6. NIS 50 prepaid, limited space (
Propolis: The Jerusalem Centre for Urban Bio-dynamic Bee-keeping invites aspiring bee enthusiasts, beekeepers and ‘Winnie the Pooh’ lovers to a family-fun day of activities and workshops.

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Jan 18, family activities 16:00; lecture for educators on bringing bees to schools 18:00. NIS 10 (
Prizma Centre: Movement, Body, Awareness continues its successful ‘Rooftop Hop – Jerusalem Swing and Blues’ with weekly swing dancing lessons for the most experienced of Lindy Hoppers to first-time Jivers.
rooftop hop

© Kelli Tresgallo

Every Sun, 21:15. NIS 20. Studio Prizma (
Adamahi: Design, Sculpting and Building with Earth encourages Jerusalemites to reconnect with nature, their community and environment using earth as a substance. Their weekly working and learning day gives the words ‘hands on’ a new meaning.

© PR

Every Wed, 10:00-15:00 (
Muslala, Clal Centre, 97 Jaffa St, Jerusalem (
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