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Volunteering is part of the culture in Israel. Help others while giving yourself a natural high at the same time – it’s a win-win. Here are 10 of the best volunteer organizations in the country
1. Adopt-A-Safta
This initiative pairs young professional internationals and Israelis with Holocaust survivors who need someone to talk to. Young volunteers “adopt” a grandmother or grandfather in need of love and attention, and visit them to share stories, help out with practical advice, or simply lend a sympathetic ear. The goal is to train as many volunteers as possible and connect young professionals seeking to make meaningful contributions with the survivors in need of warmth and connection.
This Israel-based international nonprofit organization helps save lives by improving the quality of cardiac care for children from developing countries. Volunteers plan stimulating activities for children and their chaperones during their stay in Israel, helping to comfort the children on their road to recovery.
African asylum seekers along with Israeli citizens founded the African Refugee Development Center (ARDC) over ten years ago in order to assist, protect, and empower African refugees and asylum seekers. The organization is largely volunteer-based and volunteers come from around the world to offer support and practical advice. The ARDC also focuses on education and many of the volunteering roles involve teaching the asylum seekers relevant languages, as well as giving them the tools to continue any studies they were forced to abandon. Units 4919-23, New Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv (077-4909800/
4. Orr Shalom
This charity’s aim is to enable Israel's at-risk children to realize their potential and their right to grow up loved, protected, and respected. Whether individually or in a group, volunteers can get involved with mentoring, organizing outings, and using their professional skills to benefit the children. Volunteers can also get involved in camps run during holiday times for orphans and children for whom it’s too dangerous to return home. 2 HaHar St, Beit Shemesh (02-9936900 ext 912/
5. Appleseeds Academy
An innovative initiative that seeks to reduce social disparities in Israel by providing accessibility to information and technology, Appleseeds Academy offers a year of volunteering that provides the opportunity to acquire professional work skills and make a real change. The academy specializes in the initiation, management, and operation of technological programs throughout Israel, creating sustainable projects with long-term impact.
Israel’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to furthering the rights of the LGBTQ community in Israel. The Aguda, as it's known locally, is committed to providing emotional and psychological support for LGBTQ people. The information and assistance line, ‘Yesh Eim Me Ledaber’ ("Someone To Talk To"), is operated by dedicated volunteers. There are also opportunities to volunteer at any of the dozens of youth groups that meet throughout the country. 28 Nahmani St, Tel Aviv (03-6205590/
Become an old school pioneer by volunteering for the KKL-JNF – Israel's largest and oldest green organization, dedicated to developing the land with a loving touch. Volunteering opportunities with the Jewish National Fund range from rehabilitating agricultural systems and growing plants in a nursery, to guiding tours and manning information booths. (02-6707587/
8. Shalheveth
This special organization enables adults with severe disabilities to lead lives of autonomy and self-governance within their communities by providing the necessary opportunities, appropriate frameworks, and support services. Volunteers work with adults who live in a non-institutional framework, enabling them to live in dignity and realize their full potential. Beit Shalheveth, 36 Shimoni St, Jerusalem (
9. Leket
The country's largest food bank and food rescue network works to alleviate the problem of nutritional insecurity among Israel's diverse population. Volunteers help put food in the mouths of the Israelis who need it most. Some of the ways to help include: collecting surplus fruits and vegetables from farm fields and orchards, as well as from restaurants and catering companies. Volunteers also have opportunities to assist in making healthy and nutritious sandwiches for children from low-income families. (09-7441757/
10. Ruach Tova
If you still haven’t figured out exactly what type of volunteering you want to do, check out Ruach Tova, which matches interested individuals with organizations that need volunteers. Pulling from their enormous database of relevant organizations, Ruach Tova makes matches based on your preferences, skills, and geographic location. You can even get in touch with the call center and speak to a representative who will find a tailor-made placement suited to your needs.