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Noa Bonné returns to her dream neighborhood, Kerem Ha’taimanim, for a drunken review of 'The Space.'
The Foggy Effect:
For this occasion, I pulled out the heavy guns: a childhood friend who loves me unconditionally, a bottle of Campari from the depths of my freezer and medical marijuana. We took a 'monit sherut' (shared taxi) to The Space, where I turned into the annoying person who tries to make friends on public transportation. Eventually we managed to get there.
The music in The Space is quite hipster: techno, house, hip-hop, oriental beats, electronic disco and everything that will make you bounce your booty and nod your head to the beat. We came on a Thursday night, which started with Arabic music and then changed to hip-hop that made me say, 'damnnnnnnnnnnnnn' a good thirty times.
Lying Around:
The place is filled with chairs (with back rests! very important); however, you wouldn't find any real spots for lying around all fucked up begging for mercy in this spot.
The service at The Space is super chill. Surprisingly, also when the place is packed to the brim, the waitresses are relaxed and smiling like a stoner who just smoked the same medical marijuana we did.
The Space specializes in mojitos. You can find the classic (Havana Rum 7, squeezed lemon, mint and sparkling water), which is good but not phenomenal. We had some differences about the coconut mojitos because I think coconut should only be a scent in soaps. The real deal though was the pineapple mojito, of which I ordered three. A surprising player in the cocktail game was the watermelon cocktail (crushed and squeezed lemon and watermelon, arak, watermelon liqueur and mint). I usually hate arak – and everything about it – but this was the exception.
The atmosphere starts from the crazy design by Broken Fingaz that gives an underground and super photogenic vibe. At the back of the bar, you can find different exhibitions of local artists...a super cool touch. I found out the bar was animal-friendly when 'Sasson the cat' brushed up against my leg. The customers usually bring their dogs too and the bar is always full of playful puppies (and people).
On the contrary, sometimes the music is too loud and you can’t have a decent conversation. Besides that, there’s the 'everybody knows everybody' vibe, but it won’t be a problem if it’s your first time there because they're extremely welcoming.
You can smoke in the designated spots.
The path to the bathroom was long and risky. Actually, come to think of it, there’s a chance the way there was really easy, but the combination of being high and drunk had me whispering to myself, 'don’t die!'
The light in the bathroom is so bright that if you want to sober up, that’s the place to do it. For your convenience, there’s a sink inside the stall so you could wash your drunk face without asking someone to do it for you.
Hallelujah, thank you for the vegan sandwich. I don’t know what’s in it (maybe zucchini?), but it was so good! So very, very good!
It was fun being drunk at The Space because I didn’t have to be communicative. Most of the time, I just lied on the bench and raised my hands in the air like an idiot without talking to anyone. Even so, the combination between the cool audience, the design, 'Sasson the cat' and an amazing sandwich made a unique and rare night out in our city.